Cape York, Here We Come

Approximately 365 days ago I set up a count down timer on our Cape York 2013 website, and at the time I remember thinking how it felt like an eternity before we would hit the road, and how much preparation there was to be done. Well, that time has come and the count down timer no longer shows days, only hours.

Today we treated ourselves to lunch out and then spent the afternoon loading the Jeep with bits and pieces, repacking our food box and final packing of our clothes bags. Everything we need for our 4 week journey packs down into 2 and a half boxes and two clothes bags, scary yet exciting at the same time.

The unknown of the Old Telegraph Track has us both excited and cautious. We can’t wait to check out the beauty of Fruit Bat and Elliot Falls. Relaxing on the beach at Punsand Bay for 5 days will be an amazing experience, not to mention the thrill of fishing off the northern most tip of Australia.

Please everyone, drive safely, stop often, and we’ll see you all near Atherton in a few days.

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