And so it begins…

Our trip kicked off with a flight to Perth.  There was a minor drama at the airport with those crazy bag drop machines firstly not wanting to print a label, then continually failing to scan the barcode.  Eventually this was sorted after speaking with a couple of attendants, making us wonder wouldn’t it just be easier if they did the old way??

The flight was relatively uneventful, with a movie, linner (lunch/dinner) and a few mini bottles of red.  We spied a few glimpses through the clouds of the red sand dunes of the Simpson desert we hope to tackle next year.

Arriving at 7:30pm, out luggage all arrived and our transfer was there to pick us up so it was a quick 30 minute trip to our accommodation.  Upon arrival we dropped of our bags and headed to a local Indian restaurant, The Copper Chimney, for supper.  The food was sensational with us having a Goat Curry and naan breads.

The accommodation we have is excellent in every way.  Excellent location, free internet, nice appointments, 3 minute walk to a free bus and a lovely garden with limes on the tree.  Needless to say we picked up a carton of corona’s today to make good use of the limes!

Today we had breakfast with one of Gary’s mates from Touch, Shreky, and his wife Veronica.  They have graciously loaned us one of their cars so we can get around and visit people and places while we’re here.  Breakfast was over looking the beach and the Indian Ocean with a wedding taking place on the beach as we ate.  Brekky was top notch, French toast, delicious!

We did a quick shop after breakfast, including the afore mentioned corona’s, and headed back to the house.  Gary and I tested out some of the lime 😉 and we had some lunch.  Feeling like a nap after a few ‘limes’ we decided to catch the free bus down to the harbour.

Here we wandered around a bit when Leanne discovered her jacket was missing.  We back tracked our path but alas it was nowhere to be seen.  We decided to head to the little creatures brew house for a beer/cider.  Man that place has some interesting characters on staff. To work there I’m sure you have to have dread locks, piercings and wear unwashed clothes.

Needless to say the people watching was more than interesting, the only downside being one of the ladies at the table beside us was so incredibly loud that we couldn’t hear ourselves think, let alone talk. Even when her food came the noise didn’t abate.  After a beer/cider and a bread with rosemary and olive oil, we headed back to the free bus stop and headed home.

Tonight will be Italian for dinner and a slightly earlier night.  Tomorrow is a big day visiting family and friends which will be fantastic.

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