Athens – ‘Rest Day’

We got up all ready to be relaxed. Had a few things to do, be nothing that should have be a worry.

One of the main things was to post some ‘stuff’ back home. Just stuff we’d bought along the way and didn’t need to be lug around for the next 4 weeks.

This proved more difficult than it sounds as the Post Office didn’t seem to carry boxes or couldn’t think outside the square enough to go out the back and find one for us.

They sent us up the road to another post office, probably because we were being so difficult.

These guys were marginally better, but still only had a smallish box. We had some papyrus in a tube to send back as well so we went to a stationary shop to find a bigger tube to send that and the rest of the stuff went in the box supplied.

We put about 1000 layers of tape around each and put them in the hads of Hellas Post. I hope we see them again.

Our last night in Athens we went to a Lonely Planet recommended restaurant. Food was good, cheap and service was speedy.

It started to rain but we were under cover and didn’t care really. The street vendors were out almost instantly selling dodgy umbrellas. It’s funny to see how quick they go from watches to sunnies to umbrellas.

Travel day tomorrow, up early for train, plane, and ferry to get to Paxos.

Cheers, K and K.

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