Colombo to Safaga – Part 1

We have quite a few days now at sea.  As has been the norm, the seas are eirely smooth, and I keep thinking we’re in a scene from Lost or that one where Jim Carey’s life is on film and he sails out to the edge of the set.  It just shouldn’t be this smooth.  We’ve seen Dolphins jumping out of the water flipping over, and also heaps of flying fish that shoot out of the water and fly away from the ship.  This is pretty cool to watch.

Unfortunately my throat has gotten a lot worse to the point where it’s becoming hard to swallow.  Throat lozenges don’t help at all and the only thing that makes it better is to keep it moisturised with water.  There are no other symptoms at this stage, just a throat that feels like sand paper.  Even codine doesn’t quell the pain so he decision is made to go to antibiotics. Whether or not this was the right choice is yet to be seen however the sore throat when away overnight.  This was positive however now cold like symptoms set in.  These are managable and with 4 more sea days left I’m hoping it will clear up before hitting Egypt.
Leanne and Gary celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary the other day and to commemorate this day we had lunch in the ‘speciality’ restaurant.  This is an Asia restaurant and serves sushi, sashimi, dumplings etc etc.  We had a lovely meal and have resolved to visit more often as it is a welcome break as it is quiet and really quite delicious.

We saw Daryl B again the other day and his performances are no less powerful and still fun to be a part of. We also saw the Rubber Soul Band, which is a Beatles cover band and they are pretty good. They had a fun time and everyone was singing along.

Sea days are being made up by a bit of blogging, playing cards with Leanne & Gary. Kath and I had another massage the other day and when we’re at a loss of what to do we spend a bit of time wandering around the ship.

External deck 7 is still closed off under the pretence of security however it is very clear to everyone that this excuse is being conveniently used to allow MSC to do some maintenance. This is quite annoying as this leaves the only covered outside area being deck 13, which we’ve renamed Boganville due to the large number of “bogans” that congregate there during the day and night.
The cruise has been going for 2 weeks now and the other day we got our first ‘towel animal’!  This is something that other cruisers may recognise and something that Kath was quite excited about.  This event coincided with a new housekeeping person, with Jean, our fist guy, departing th ship in Colombo, and Franciso getting on and taking his place.  Francisco seems to be a little more experienced and is doing a fantastic job of keeping our cabin in order.

We’re getting close to Yemen now and with the recent air strikes I’m sure the captain has been making sure our path towards Egypt will be a safe one.  We’ve also heard that the HMAS ANZAC war ship is sailing somewhere near us so that gives us a bit more confidence.
Chat soon…

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