
We’ve had the most amazing 6 nights on Paxos. Of all the places we’ve been too this is one that is simply a must for a return visit. The village of Loggos is quite and simple, with boats and scooters to hire.

Just to list a few of the things we did:
– Day trip to Anti-Paxos (this included a reasonably big walk from beach to beach and back again)
– Days scooter hire where we went up to Lakka, and then Gaz and I put them through their paces in some of the local ‘streets’ and also some of the unlisted rock tracks. Scooters can go anywhere ๐Ÿ™‚
– Days boat hire, which was a big saga that I’ll go into below
– Dinner at the Tavernas
– Beers and Coctails at the Roxi Bar
– Frequent visits to the local Bakery
– Many Mythos on the little balcony off our accommodation
– and many other things that I don’t have time to list right noww…

The boat hire was quite special though so it gets a bit of space. We hired the boat from Julia’s Boat Hire, the same mob we hired the Scooters from. It was a 40hp (horse power) boat that was licenced to go around the island and to anti-paxos.

Not all boats can do this as some are only allowed to go up to Lakka and down to Giaos. We go this one because it was obviously bigger and gave us more options.

Anyway, we get around to the western side of Paxos and are looking for the Blue Caves, which are supposed to be quite special. I’d slowed down to view a nice cliff face villa and as I increased the speed the motor seemed to ‘slip’.

We had basically lost all drive execept for when we were at idle, so we were only able to go very very slow.

Not sure what to do as there was no radio, I grabbed my mobile and called the Agni Travel emergency number and Norma answered. I got her to call Christine on Paxos, and she got a hold of the guy who rented us the boat.

About 45 minutes later he was around to us and diagnosed that the problem was with the propeller seperating from the rubber sleeve.

He gave us his boat, a 30HP so not licenced for that side of the island or anti-paxos, and we continued on. All a little soured by the experience we motored back to the eastern side and found a little cove where we anchored, had a bit of a swin, made some salad sandwiches and had a bit of a snooze.

It all turned out alright so you can’t complain too much. It’s not like we sank or got stranded in the middle of no where ๐Ÿ™‚

All in all Paxos was a fantastic experience. It wouldn’t take anything at all to get me to go back there, however next time I would like to do it by yaught as that would be truly special.

Bye Paxos, we will miss you.

Love, Kent and Kath.

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