Rain, Train, Plane and Ferry

Up bright and early to head to Paxos. Of course it was still raining and so after finishing our pack we bolted for the train station, picking the alleys that had the most cover along the way.

It was 6am and what else would you expect to see but a nigerian selling umbrellas at the train station.

Got the airport train along with hundreds of commuters and after about 40 minutes we were at the airport.

Checked in with plenty of time and so we sat down for a cup of tea and a sugar doughnut.

Got on the plane and after a reasonably uneventful flight we landed in Corfu.

We had a bit of time to kill here before or ferry to Paxos so after getting our ferry tickets, and checking in our luggage we went for a walk to the old Corfu town.

Wandered around for a bit and then went to find a grocery store to get some food for Paxos.

This was our second rain experience as it started to really come down. Funnily enough, there was nay an umbrella selling nigerian in sight. There was one selling sunnies, but he really screwed up that morning by guessing it was going to be sunny 🙂

We headed back to the port in the rain and sat to wait for our hydrofoil to Paxos.

There was a bit of confusion about where we were supposed to be waiting, but we stayed with the masses and eventually our boat showed up.

About an hour on the ferry and we were in Gaios, capital of Paxos. A rep from Agni was waiting for us with a taxi to transfer us to or accommodation.

We are staying in a little sea side village called Loggos, which is about 5 mins north of Gaios.

It’s a sleepy little village, with boats for hire all around the harbour. Our accommodation, called Limani, is at one end that allows us to see the whole harbour and a lot of the shops.

Limani is great, 2 bedroom with a little balcony overlooking the harbour. There are 2 little supermarkets nearby that have everything we need, including the all important Mythos beer that Gaz and I have come to appreciate.

More on Paxos soon.

Cheers, K and K.

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