Simpson Desert – 3 Months To Go

Hi All,

This post is a few days late out of the box however better late than never! There is now less than 3 months to go until we depart on our epic journey and in true form, Mum has been creating Dilly Bag’s for all the the ladies emblazoned with SD 16 for obvious reasons!

This seems to have become a tradition since the Cape York 2013 trip and we know from that trip that some of them were very well used and appreciated!

Hopefully now everyone has purchased the Desert Parks pass and has had a chance to read over it. Sand flags are the other important item that need to be well in hand at this point.

We’re still planning a couple of camping trips in April and May with a few people locked in for these, which is great. To confirm, we will be camping at Spring Gully Stays on Saturday the 16th of April, and then Stinson Park on Saturday the 7th of May.

I’ll be making a group booking for Spring Gully today for those that have confirmed.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone!

Cheers, Kent.


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