The Rubble

Today we had a full day of ancient sites to visit so we headed out early and much to our surprise on sunday, access to all the sites is FREE!

We had a bit of a plan to see the more well know sites, so started on our way. We had originally planned to see the Acropolos tomorrow, but as it was a free day, we decided we would fit it all into the one day. This was good for two reasons, 1: it was free; and 2: it meant tomorrow we could rest and prepare for or trip to Paxos.

It was a full on day and by the end of it we were pretty much rubbled out.

We went in search of a bite to eat, whic took longer than one would normally have expected in the middle of Athens, but eventually we found ourselves in a little garden restaurant and we had a nice meal. Of to bed as we have a busy day of relaxing tomorrow 🙂

Cheers, K and K.


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