Ain’t nothing stopping us now…

One more sleep!  Tomorrow is departure day and it’s all beginning to get quite real.

The last coupe of days have been relatively uneventful for me as I’ve been working however L&G and Kath have been getting out an about at various times.

It’s quite cool over here at the moment, but lovely and sunny.  We had dinner on Monday night with Gary’s cousin Kate and her partner John.  This was at the Copper Chimney again, which is, as we found out, the #1 restaurant on Trip Advisor for South Perth.  There is a reason for this, the food is simply amazing.

Yesterday L&G had breakfast with Sally, another of Gary’s cousins.  Later in the day Gaz was a little crook in the guts so there could have been something dodgy in the eggs.  He’s all good now though which is good.

Leanne, Kath and I went for a bit of a bus ride yesterday around Freo and stopped by the port to see where we have to go tomorrow when boarding the MCS Orchestra.

We also had a look around the port and out through the heads to where we will heading tomorrow evening as the ship departs.

Last night we had dinner at our place with Kath & Leanne’s cousin Justin (Juz) & Suz who we met up with on Sunday.

This was our last chance to have a home cooked meal so we made some rissoles, cooked them up with some snags, steamed veggies, mashed potato and made some mushroom gravy.  It was a great meal, great conversation and great company. Thanks Juz and Suz for a great night.

There was a minor disaster where we discovered that the pate we were eating was expired (thanks Coles Fremantle).  No one has had any ill effects as a result of this, so hopefully we should all go into the cruise in top shape.

Today is another day of working to finalise some things prior to departure day.  Kath & Leanne are making use of the facilities to wash clothes in preparation for the re-pack.

Tonight we have dinner with Shreky and Veronica to hand back the little Yaris they’ve loaned us for our stay.  This will be down a the Bathers Beach house restaurant which should provide an awesome view of the sunset.

Departure day tomorrow has me remembering a quote by Ewan McGregor in one of the Long Way Round episodes:

“ain’t nothing stopping us now but the leaving of it all”

By the way he said it I think it might have come from a western movie originally, either way I can’t get the words out of my head today.

After 5 years of saving, paying, saving, waiting, planning, packing, unpacking, re-packing, there is nothing left to do.

We just have to get on the ship and go…

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