Dubai Day 1 – Part 2

After getting ahold of our cold hard cash, we proceeded to hire a cab and headed off to the ‘Spice Souk’. This is bacically a couple of alley ways that have a bunch of stalls with guys selling ‘spices’.

Some of them were rocks and it seems as though the worlds supply of dried lemons is in this one place as well.

Slightly more than a little disappointed we headed, by cab, to the ‘Gold Souk’.

Side Bar: Cabs in Dubai are incredibly cheap. You bascially get an AUD$20 cab ride for about AUD$4 over here.

The Gold Souk was much more interesting, with literally hundreds of shops selling nothing but gold and jewells.

We spent ages walking around through the alleys and in and out of little jewellery shops. The experience only soured by the fact that you only had to turn around to be offered a copy watch or some sort of fake hand bag. Singapore has nothing on Dubai for copy watch dudes.

We headed back to the hotel as at 4:15pm we were to be picked up by someone from Arabian Adventures to go on a 4WD Safari out in the Desert, which will be the topic of the next post… Stay tuned…

Love, Kent and Kath.

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