
Well, we’ve arrived in Greece and we’re no longer ‘on tour’ so to speak. No transfers, no director, no timeframes.

We got through customs and found our luggage, got some euro, and headed to the train station. This was all remarkably easy. We got our tickets, got on the train and we we’re away.

We got out at our stop, packs on backs, and set off to find our hotel. After an initial orientation, we knew where to go and after about 10 mins we we’re at our hotel, the Hermes, Athens.

We were meeting Leanne (Leo) and Gary here so we have a Quad share room, which is small, but very clean and perfectly fine for us.

We went for a wander around and almost immediately fell int love with the place. Little alley ways with shops and cafe’s.

Leo and Garys flight was significantly delayed so we had a bit of time to kill and this was a good way to get our bearings.

They eventually arrived and after getting settled we went to dinner. We’d received a card from a local restaurant on our travels earlier and so we thought we’d give them a shot.

After dinner we hit the Zed’s as we had a big day of rubble spotting to do tomorrow.

Cheers, K & K.

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