OTT & Info Update

Local word is Palm Creek is only ankle deep but very muddy and  for the last couple of days cars have only needed to winch out ( not in and out)!  Cockatoo is still very deep but cars are going through.

Bramwell Station – I have booked us in for dinner – it is $25 pp for a “Station Dinner” (730pm I think, so that will give us time to arrive and set up first).  They usually have some entertainment and you can buy beverages from the bar.  It will be a nice start before our OTT adventure.  We do have to pre-book for their catering numbers and I need to let them know our final numbers – so can you please let me know if you are in or out 🙂

Moreton Telegraph Station – looking to stay here on the way back (after Captain Billy Landing).  Camping is $10 per adult / $5 per child per night, we do not need to book but best to arrive by mid afternoon.  I enquired about dinner –  they offer a 2 course bistro style dinner, cost is $25 per person – time 630pm.  They do not serve beverages but you can BYO.  Dinner does need to be pre-booked before we arrive and they currently have availability.  Again, can you let me know your thoughts on this one.

Punsand Bay – Punsand offer a range of meals and we don’t need to pre-book before we arrive – we can do this when we get there. Although they are very busy so we might want to book in a for a dinner one night ?  There is no Ferry from Punsand to TI anymore , all TI tours leave from Seisia if you are interested.    Cape York Helicopters do scenic flights from the beach and these can be booked by Punsand Bay, these would probably need to be pre booked do get the day/time/flight you want – if anyone is interested.

Alcohol Restrictions: If you want to check about Alcohol restrictions in any of the areas you will be travelling, here is the link>

Just over 2 weeks to go !!!


2 thoughts on “OTT & Info Update”

  1. Update of the Ando's progess thus far:
    * Pre-trip inspection – tick. All good (sorry to rub it in, Kent!)
    * Upgraded RACQ cover – tick
    * Upgraded Vehicle insurance cover – tick. Listed all new vehicle modifications and now have windscreen cover and portable items insurance. Also checked that policy definitely covers us for river crossings – all good, as long as it is part of a recognised route.
    * Rock sliders being made and will be fitted within next week – tick
    * Sorting out dual battery issues – tick
    * Portable magic toilet has arrived – tick (it's pretty small, lucky we are all midgets!)
    * Will be doing a complete trial set-up of our awning, tent room, tent, pop up shower tent this long weekend.

    We are all getting very excited now!!

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