Delphi and Olympia

After Meteroa we travelled to Delphi to see the Santury of Apollo which included the temple of Apollo, the amphitheatre and the stadium, the gymnasium and the temple of Athina. This was all pretty much rubble, but the stadium was pretty amazing.

We then drove to Olympia which took us across to the Pelopenese (spelling??). Had to find some accommodation in Olympia so we stopped at a place listed in the Lonely Planet. They were fully booked but suggested the Hotel Hercules.

This was an interesting experience as this scary looking greek man came running out yelling ‘Cheap Hotel, come look, cheap hotel’. We tried to ignore him but he was very persistent.

We went in and I took one look at the bathroom and turned around and walked out. Kath tried to get a price out of him but he was reluctant to say. Eventually he said it was EUR$35. Cheap indeed, but not quite what we were looking for.

We drove around a bit and the scary dude kept following us. He seemed to be everywhere we looked, following us from block to block to see where we were going. Freaky.

We went for a drive up to the more costly hotel but it was booked out. A lady at one of these hotels suggested Hotel Antoni which had rooms so we stayed there for the night.

Before settling down we went and visited the Museum of Olympia which was a good introduction to the Olympia sites the following day.

Got up and had some breaky at the hotel, went out to the site and wandered around for about 2 hours. Basically a lot of imagination required to picture what is would have looked like. The stadium again was the best part, very impressive. We also saw where they light the olympic torch prior to its journey around the world leading up to the Olympic Games.

From here we headed to Nafplion on the east coast of the Pelopenese.

Back soon, Love, K & K

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